Monday, April 2, 2007

The Little Children

This is a picture of Kaitlynne playing dress-up!
She is 7.
She's a wonderful kid!
Such innocence!

It came up over the weekend that a mother here in our town tried to sell her daughter for sex. Not only did she try to sell her daughter for sex...she went to a hotel at the airport and took beautiful dresses for her daughter along with a bag of sex toys. Now all of that is horrible and it really does hurt me every time I see it on TV or hear about it on the radio. This little girl is 7 years old. That is just disgusting! Most of all, I think of my little granddaughter, Kaitlynne. She is 7 years old and I could not imagine anything like that happening to her. Thank God, the mother (and I use the term lightly) got caught by an undercover agent at the hotel. This woman has 4 other children that are all in the State's hands now.

They are concerned that this has happened multiple times to this little one and possibly to the others also. Can you imagine how messed up these little ones are? Please remember to pray for them.

Some of my greatest dilemmas have been times in the prisons when I have to minister to ladies that have sexually abused their children. They don't generally tell me what they have done, but sometimes they do. It is hard. Please pray that if I encounter this woman I will be able to minister the love of Jesus Christ to her like I could to any other person. That is what I am there show Jesus' love.

Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not;
for of such is the Kingdom of God.
Matthew 10:14


Pat said...

That was one of the most horrible new stories I've ever heard - even the veteran sheriff who arrested the mother said the same thing. Only through Christ can a mother like that be loved - in myself I find her reprehensible. What a sick world.
That picture of Kaitlynne is so sweet - that's what childhood should be.

Amber Land said...

I personally think she should be shot! I don't think I could minister to her. Not a calling God has out on my life. I have no understanding of this. It makes me furious and I'm afraid I'd let her know that if I ever met her.

Margie said...

its a tough thing, its vial and disgusting, but you know that somewhere down deep, she's sick.

I have to give it to you Arlene, I can work with troubled teens, but troubled moms I'd have a hard time with.

I'll be praying for all of them (and you)

Margie said...

can you send me your email address? send it to
