Saturday, April 7, 2007

He Is Not Here...He Has RISEN!

Picture this and then picture yourself being there when this took place. You know you placed Him in the tomb. Surely someone has stolen Him. His grave clothes are there and the stone has been rolled away just where in the world is He? That would be so troubling!

Then the word started to get around..from a lady, of course. She saw!

Didn't He say he would rise in only three days...but what was all of that talk about? Many people had been crucified but they never, ever rose again. How is that possible? However, didn't He always keep His word?

God is so gracious to us and sent His only son that we might have life and have that life more abundantly.

Can you imagine if Jesus had never come to forgive us of our sins. Life can be hard at times now but we have that Blessed Hope. Without Jesus, we have no hope at all!

Thank you God for the gift of your Son and for Resurrection Day! Today is a great day to reflect on what Jesus, through His Father, God, did for us!

We can now have hope, joy, peace and life everlasting! If you don't know Him you are more than welcome to ask Him into your heart. He will live there. I know...HE LIVES IN MINE!

Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen. Luke 24:5 - 6


Sara said...

he is risen indeed! happy easter, we love you guys!

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

Same to you guys!

Live, Love, Laugh said...

amen! a beautiful post!

Pat said...

I'm a day late, but I still hope you had a happy Easter!!

Terry said...

So incredible that He DID arise Arlene!
Although this was such a happy occasion, I always feel sad when I read about His going back into heaven.
I can just imagine the eyes of His dear disciples as they looked upwards as He disappeared from their sight.
And NOW we are looking upwards for His return.
How glorious will THAT be??...Terry

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

What an exciting time to be living in, this is such a part of biblical history and prophecy. He surely is coming and we have to watch daily!

Unknown said...

Google hummingbirds and find the migration map. Next thing is get hummingbird friendly flowers, we always buy 4 or 5 fushias as they have a sweet nectar AND are a brilliant color and we hang them high on the porch. Next to the flowers we hang several bright red hummingbird feeders but we don't put color in the sugar water. We also change the water on a weekly basis so it stays fresh. We also check for ants as they love the water too and the birds hate the ants. Hope this helps. Peace, Caroline

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...
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