Having been in church 46 of my 50 years, I have become very accustomed to the way things are done.
In the last 2 years, my eyes have been opened to a new way of doing things. I look back on my married life and have been taught the act of morphing or a simple way of putting it is CHANGE! When I first got married Arlene was always changing the placement of the furniture. It’s a good thing that I didn’t drink because I would have been sitting on the floor more than the couch she changed it so often.
Looking back, her actions have allowed me to view change as a good thing! Sadly, the church world has not changed nearly as drastically as life, nor has it tried to keep up with changes.
While sitting at lunch, Arlene & I were talking about some of the churches we’ve tried and how none of them seem to draw me.
Easter Sunday morning I was hoping to see a church that was excited about the resurrection of Christ, but the service was very subdued thus causing me great sadness. While talking to Arlene the thought hit me; I know why so many people turn to sin. At least it entices or allures people unlike the church. Unfortunately, the church has lost its salt. It doesn’t draw people, not as God had intended. So who failed, God or the church? Beyond a doubt, it is the church. The church is content with status quo. It is not willing to stand up to the task of changing. It’s much easier to set back and dream of what used to be. Shame on us for not being willing to stand up to the task of reaching the next generation. Sometimes I see the church in the parable of a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one. The one given five talents multiplied, as did the one with two, however, the one with only one talent did not.
Where have we as a church multiplied what God has given us? Any thoughts on this?