Thursday, March 8, 2007


It's one thing to be physically blind, but quite another to have sight and not have vision for your life.
Can you imagine being in the middle of your life and not knowing where you are going, what you are doing? What God's purpose is for you?
We are generally very active in church and in the prisons. That hasn't been the case since I have been incapacitated for a while. We feel purposeless. We have to wait to get the ok to go back into the prisons and then we will sit down again and rebuild our vision. We have felt like we are perishing, doing nothing much for the Lord.
We have been praying a lot. God is so good to even allow us to pray for others. We appreciate that.
Where there is no vision, the people perish - Proverbs 29:18


Pat said...

You are not perishing, you are resting in the Lord. You don't have to be in "physical movement" to accomplish a ministry. While you minister to others of Gods healing, He is ministering to you - rest in his healing - He has greater plans for you.

Amber Land said...

I agree with Pat. You are not perishing.

Margie said...

I always admire those who do Prison Ministry, one of my dearest friends, Marilynn does it and I always stand in awe of her. take this time of rest and refresh in what God has to say to you.

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

Thanks so much Margie!