Sunday, March 25, 2007
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
11:58 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
The Homeless
Last week while we were in Florida, we ran across some homeless people. They were living under a bridge with tents. We did not take these particular pictures, however, you get the idea! We both have a heart for the hurting, whether it is the homeless, the prisoners or the migrant workers. Oh yeah, we saw a field full of them too!
We have ministered to all of these types of people in our lives and miss doing that. It hurt our hearts to see people homeless and people that are migrants...the little kids and all.
Personally, I don't believe that most of us thank God enough for all that we do have. We may have it rough in one way or another, but still, we need to pray for these people.
We did a Migrant Ministry for 4 years while we were with Pastor Teague. It was one of the most life changing things that ever happened in our lives. We ministered to about 400 people every year. It became such an awesome thing to watch the little children grow up and get excited to come to this ministry. Between the Migrant Ministry and the Prison in one year we saw nearly 200 souls saved. We had a Spanish Band (Emmanuel) come in from Canada and they were able to minister both in Music and the Word. It was an awesome time in all of our lives.
Prior to that we ministered at Cass Corridor downtown to the homeless. One of the Thanksgivings we had nearly 500 people come out. I don't remember how many got saved during that year but I know it was a large number of them.
Often times as Christians, we "look down" on the type of people mentioned above, but God has told us to minister to them. If you can't go in person, could you at least pray for them? Sometimes we feel like we don't know what God wants us to do for Him, but we can always pray. Those prayers are bottled up in Heaven. What a great reward we will reap!
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
11:52 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm Back!!
We went to Florida for a week. It was a very different vaca for us. We generally go to Florida at least once a year and generally we stay about 10 days. This time we stayed 7 days, about 3 too many.
When we first got there, we got off of the plane in Tampa and went over to Lakeland to catch the "Boys of Summer" at their Spring Training. It was, as always, a great experience. We couldn't get any tickets for the seats, so we sat on the grass and we enjoyed it so much. We took lots and lots of pictures and they are awesome! We left there and went to St. Pete to the Pier. It was also an awesome time. We sat on the pier and watched the dolphins frolic...something neither of us had seen before. We got sunburned and even enjoyed the sunburn.
We got up the next morning and went to Sunken Gardens. It was so pretty! Color EVERYWHERE! That's what we were looking for. That took us about 2 hours. When I transfer the pictures from my laptop to this computer, I will post a picture or two. We also went to Cypress Gardens and it was just eye popping! The colors were the best there of anywhere.
Generally we get out and explore some out of the way places...just neighborhoods or anything we happen to see along the way we think might be interesting. It was way too cool this time. We wore sweatsuits much of the time. One night it got down to 39. Not good or funny when you are going there for the warmth of the sun.
The traffic in Florida is INCREDIBLE. At least where we were. We were supposed to go to our friend's condo in Stuart, but decided after being in so much traffic and it taking twice as long to get anywhere than it should have, that it would be too much on me.
We were going to go to Gatlinburg next month, but now I think we will wait until at least May so it will be warm!
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
11:15 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Victorious Life Weekend
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
10:36 PM
Friday, March 9, 2007
Spring - It Can't Come Soon Enough!
Do you see those flowers? That's how I feel, all happy and excited just thinking about Spring coming. I can't wait. I know that I'm a bit early, but,'s my favorite time of the year.
Everything is fresh and new. You can plant flowers and clean up your yard in preparation for summer. It's just an exciting time.
Every year we go to Florida around this time to escape the winter blahs! This year has been harder than any other, so we are nearly ready to go.
Well, is anybody with me or am I all by myself? It's been the l-o-n-g-e-s-t winter, but fear not, Spring is just about to jump in the middle of it all!
To Everything There Is A Purpose - Ecclesiastes 3:1
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
12:22 AM
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
12:43 AM
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Hello, God, Are You There?
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
7:09 PM
Where Is God?
Monday, March 5, 2007
Do You Have Faith for the Crisis or Crisis Faith?
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
11:36 PM
Peace That Passes All Understanding!
Hopefully it will be an encouragement to someone! Someone who is going through what I have been going through!
I was driving down the expressway minding my own business on Thursday in May 2006 when God interrupted my thoughts. He told me that just one drop of His precious blood would heal anyone. Just ONE! I thought, great, this is what I will speak on tonight at the ladies prison. I just hadn't gotten anything to speak on before that. I knew that I was supposed to go home and mix up some red food coloring with water and put it in a bottle with a eye dropper.
I was on my way to get my nails done. Then I realized, I better stop and get gas, cause I wouldn't want to mess my nails up after I got them done. As I was at the gas station, my cell phone rang. When it did, I couldn't tell who was calling, so I answered it. It was my doctor's office. My cancer levels were up! Not a good phone call. I wasn't worried about it though, well, maybe a little bit, but not too much. I had been trying to get this blood test for about 6 months but the doctor's office said that insurance wouldn't cover it. I finally got pretty aggressive with them and they gave me the test.
I went and got my nails done. My mind was wandering a little here and there. All of a sudden I realized that I couldn't take that "blood" into the prison. That Word was for ME!
We went to the prison that night and ministered on healing. I asked the ladies to pray for me and then I asked each of them that currently had cancer to come up for prayer or those that had previously had cancer to come up for prayer. There were probably about 10 ladies that came forward. One of the ladies had just passed from cancer, so it was hard for them.
I took in scriptures for them to read over and over and over because hearing comes by the Word. It just depends how many times we want to hear it. It depends how many times we decide to let it into our Spirit and our hearts. The more we say it, the more we believe it and faith begins to rise up!
I went to the doctor the next week and he didn't have good news. I needed to go find an Oncologist. At that point, we decided that I needed to change doctors. I needed someone that understood how important these blood tests were.
I went to a doctor that was new. Whether she was new to the practice of totally new to the profession, she did not say. We believe she was just new to the practice. She told me that the cancer had spread from my colon (which I had in 2004) and it had gone into my liver and possibly lungs. Well, that surely wasn't what I expected. She also told me that she had seen only one person live more than 3 years with what I had, but most that she knew of only lived 12 - 20 months. Great diagnosis! Not exactly what you want to hear. She was very calloused and cold. She would give me chemo and I would be without life in a short time. 12 - 20 months is a very long time if you are waiting for something exciting to happen in your life; i.e. wedding, new home being built or whatever else you are looking forward to. 12 - 20 months when it comes to your life is VERY short.
Since we had already been through Colon cancer in 2004, we knew that it wasn't a fun time we were facing. I had taken chemo pills for 6 months and then the doctor never said another word to me. I assumed (without much intelligence) that I was cancer free. He never offered to test me or anything else. I didn't know because they said that no cancer had gotten out of the enclosed colon. The chemo was just a precaution.
I was telling my girlfriend about how this lady doctor treated us when we went to her office. She called back and said that her brother's Oncologist wanted to see me right away, that day. We believe then and now, that it was a God-thing. How many doctors do you know that ask to see you, especially when they don't even know you?
I have now been through 4 months of chemotherapy and most of the cancer is gone. I am now in treatment every other Monday for this antibody to kill the rest of the small cells that are there. The tumors have reduced greatly and the doctor still expects them to completely be gone.
Will post more later!
Posted by
Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!!
1:43 AM